Friday, April 6, 2012

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

Every Monday will answer 3 dance related questions. Send your questions to our FB, Twitter, or E-mail.  Don't be shy, ask anything dance related. 

Career questions?
Not sure what to do about your summer plans? 
Got a bully in dance class?
Get nervous before performance? 
Which brand of shoe is right for you?
Dance homework?

and don't forget about the embarrassing questions.....yes everybody sweats!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nail It!

Check this out! O.P.I and the New York City Ballet have teamed up to created a line of nail polishes that match your performance! Have your nails match your tights, pointe shoes, and accessories for your 2012 performances.

Tried any yet? Send your photos and reviews to or tweet us!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Casting Call

Anyone planning a trip California? Discount Dance Supply is holding a casting call April 11th. All the details can be found here

Good Luck!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fun Weekends

Just got back from IDC! My dancers and I had a blast! Check out for your next competitive experience. "Like" them on Facebook and check out there awesome photos!

I always remind my dancers that even though we love getting awards, performance experience and having a good time is just as important.

What advice do you give to your competitive students? Send me an e-mail or leave a comment below.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Ultimate Check List

It's that time again! My dancers have their first competition of the season tomorrow. No matter how much stress and strain, I have always found competition to be fun. One of the best ways to ensure a good time is having a clear check list for your dancers. Here is my Ultimate Competition Check List.  

All of your costumes (on hangers)
Accessories: Earrings and hair jewels
Tights (2 pairs of each type)
Undergarments (bring extra straps)
Copy of your birth certificate
Makeup Kit
             Eye Shadow Pallet: Wet n’ Wild / Don’t Steal My Thunder # 385B 
             Mascara: Maybelline/ Great Lash Waterproof Very Black #111             Eyeliner: Covergirl / Perfect Point Plus Black Onyx #200             Eye Lashes: Ardell/ Black Lashes 105 or 109             Lipstick: NYC/ Retro Red #308             Blush: Covergirl / Cheekers Blush Rock n’ Rose #145

             Concealer, foundation, power, eye lash glue
             Chap stick (keep your lips smooth!)
            Brushes and applicators
Hair Kit
            Spray bottle with water to wet your hair
            Pony tail holders (matching the color of your hair)
            Clear pony tail holders
            Flat bobbi pins (matching the color of your hair)
            Bun bobbi pins (matching the color of your hair)
            Hair Spray extra hold (Rave, White Rain, or Aqua Net)
            Hair Gel extra hold (L.A. Looks, Revlon, or Dep)
           Safety Pins
           Double sided sticky tape
           Mini sewing kit
           Band aids
           Body spray
           Feminine products

Any things to add? Let me know!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Oh the Days!

Ever have one of those days that just seem to be going amazing? I mean everything goes right from the beginning to the end of your lesson plan? Your students are totally engaged, working hard, and having a blast? Don’t you just love those days?! It’s one of greatest feelings in world when your teaching dance, or any subject matter. Even when I taught in dance studios I reveled in the days that went perfect and I still often reminisce on those moments.

Send your best dance moments to and your stories will be published on the site!

Great response from one our followers:
     "I have been dancing since I was five. I knew instantly dance was for me. I never stopped once I had begun. Going from dance competitions, dance class, anything involving DANCE, I LOVE! But ONE of my best dance experiences was my 12th grade year in high school. I went to a performing arts school so it was different from a regular high school. This was my absolute last show on my high school stage with all the other dancers and my graduating dance class members of only six people. We had been doing shows all week, but our last one was more emotional. I definitely left my heart on that stage, giving it my all. I could feel my leg lifting higher and so much sweat dripping through my costume.I LIVED!
     I loved every moment of it and left the stage with tears in my eyes. Yes I was ready to graduate from high school, but it never hit me how emotional it would be to leave a place I called home. A stage I had been dancing on for four years, thinking back it was as if I had just begun my first performance and was now doing my last. I would never forget that experience, a memorable moment. It was my time to shine and the light did shine. Running backstage every 5 seconds to change into the next costume and taking a sip of water before having to go out again. A lot, but it was all worth it! Having all my family there was also a great way to end my last show. I felt good because I knew I gave all I had. Leaving the teachers who grew with me as a dancer was also heartbreaking. What's dance without feeling? Just wanted to share one of my best experiences. Hope you Enjoy- Joaquinna S."

Monday, December 19, 2011

So Moving

Just when you feel a lack of inspiration......or dancers block as I like to think of it, you find something like this.

This is one of those pieces where you wish you could grab it like a tangible object and squeeze it close to your heart.

A student of mine showed me the video as she was at a choreographic blocked moment. It's always interesting for an educator when a teenager has a profound moment.
